Search Portal: CurryGuide.com web portal was initially launched in 1997 as a showcase metasearch engine for products and solutions marketed by our development division at CurryGuide Services. Services included a feature rich metasearch engine with (optional) searching by country; first to be implemented in a metasearch engine. Other new introductions included 'VSE' (virtual search engine); a concept later to be embraced and followed by many others. Our 'BestSeller BookShop' has been a popular tool for many webmasters. Our search engines and services: CurryGuide.com uses in-house solutions for its metasearch and web search services. All core services/applications are built and maintained by our own developers. Our development division is behind some of the finest, well known and successful portals and metasearch engines. Industry Relationships, Partners (strategic, corporate): Verio Inc., ViaVerio Business Status: CurryGuide is a fully owned division of 'Highfield Business Corporation'; a privately held business entity. HQ: CurryGuide.com |